Terry Crum is an award winning artist who began his study of design and art at the University of Texas, and then went to work in the printing industry. He has
lived and worked in Texas and Colorado. In 2020, he moved to Tyler, Texas to open Terry Crum Studio and devote his time and energy full time to art.
His earlier career at one of the finest printers in the United States brought him into contact with some of the greatest designers and graphic artists in the nation. This early exposure to
beautiful images and powerful design informs his artistic desires and methods. He applies this to his work seeking to evoke memories, emotions, and a sense of place.
2014 - "Best of Show" Texas Visual Artists Association Open Show, Dallas, Texas
2014 - "Juror's Choice" Artspace 111 Regional Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth, Texas
2015 - "Second Place" April BoldBrush Online Painting Competition
2016 - Finalist, Hunting Art Prize Competition, Houston, Texas
2014 - Texas Visual Artists Association Open Show, Dallas, Texas
2014 - Artspace 111 Regional Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth, Texas
2015 - Artspace 111 Second Annual Regional Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth, Texas
2016 - Artspace 111 Third Annual Regional Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth, Texas
2016 - Hunting Art Prize Competition, Houston, Texas